QuickShot - Designing a basic online word processor's User Interface - Part 1
Online Word Processors are becoming quite famous and handy nowadays. Starting with Google, Zoho and Thinkfree, many online services offers online word processors. And most of the them are free.
Generally Online Word Processors have the same features like the desktop word proccessors, but sans some advanced features like mail merge, advanced table editing, page layouts etc.
To decide the features that would make a Good online word processor, one should start with the objective/goals. For now, let us assume our Online Word Processor is capable of editing simple documents with basic features. To make it even more easy, lets say our OWP (Online Word Processor) is similar to Windows Write. Windows write a small and powerful tool to create basic documents and has enough features to do the common tasks.
Building the Features
For our OWP, lets take the following objectives first.
1. Capable of creating / editing documents in WYSIWYG format
2. Should handle multiple fonts and sizes
3. Create/Edit and Save document files
4. Basic editing features such as Copy, Paste, Find and Replace etc
5. Should be able to indent text, support bullet lists
6. Should support atleast A4 size papers with default margin of 1 inch.
Now considering the above objectives/features, let us list out the action functions that will be needed.
Related for Documents - New / Open / Save / Saves As / Quit
Related to Editing - Cut / Copy / Paste / Find / Find and Replace
Related to Formatting - Font name / Font size / Font Style / Indent / Lists
Contd.. in Part 2
Generally Online Word Processors have the same features like the desktop word proccessors, but sans some advanced features like mail merge, advanced table editing, page layouts etc.
To decide the features that would make a Good online word processor, one should start with the objective/goals. For now, let us assume our Online Word Processor is capable of editing simple documents with basic features. To make it even more easy, lets say our OWP (Online Word Processor) is similar to Windows Write. Windows write a small and powerful tool to create basic documents and has enough features to do the common tasks.
Building the Features
For our OWP, lets take the following objectives first.
1. Capable of creating / editing documents in WYSIWYG format
2. Should handle multiple fonts and sizes
3. Create/Edit and Save document files
4. Basic editing features such as Copy, Paste, Find and Replace etc
5. Should be able to indent text, support bullet lists
6. Should support atleast A4 size papers with default margin of 1 inch.
Now considering the above objectives/features, let us list out the action functions that will be needed.
Related for Documents - New / Open / Save / Saves As / Quit
Related to Editing - Cut / Copy / Paste / Find / Find and Replace
Related to Formatting - Font name / Font size / Font Style / Indent / Lists
Contd.. in Part 2