Git Bash - SSH KEYGEN - Windows OS

If you are trying your hands-on in Git for Windows, then the very first thing you should do is

- Install Git in your Windows Machine
- Make sure you select the options to display "Git GUI here" and "Git Bash here" during the setup
- Once it is all done and installed, you may need to generate SSH Keys.

No SSH tool in Windows 7
Windows doesnot comes with SSH key generator. So do not try any commands in the windows terminal/command prompt.

Git has it!
Git comes with its very own SSH KEYGEN, so you need not download any other key generators. The keygen can be accessed from the Git command prompt, called as GIT BASH. It is very similar to windows command prompt or Linux/Mac terminal windows.

Using PuTTY?
Some of you might try PuTTY Gen, but as far I have seen, the file is not accepted properly in Git repo where you try to manage your SSH keys. So it is always best to use Git's very own SSH Keygen tool.

Generating the SSH Key:

Open up a fresh empty folder, and right-click your mouse and click the "Git Bash" menu.

The Git terminal will open up, and just type "ssh-keygen".
Type the filname.
Tye the password / passphrase.
Type password / passphrase once again.
Your private key is stored in the file which has the filename you entered (without any extension).
Your Publick key is stored in teh file which has the filename you entered along with .pub extension.

That's it. Once this is done, open your Git Repo URL (Your dev admin will give you the relevant URLs) and manage the SSH keys.


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