
Showing posts from October, 2010

Car Pool - User Interface Design - Part 3

So that was the attempt to capture some idea of how a web application for Car Pool management can be built. I did not capture so many items in my mocks, especially - Filters - Advanced Search Options etc - How this could be linked / data exchanged with Facebook / MySpace etc. - UI mocks for Reports (Fuel saved, people travelled, etc etc) - Settings UI If time permits, I may work on this again. :-) And here is a visual mock that gives you some rich visual feeling... Click to enlarge. Related Posts : Car Pool - User Interface Design - Part 2 Car Pool - User Interface Design - Part 1

Car Pool - User Interface Design - Part 2

Now that the flow diagram is ready, let's look at the mock ups.. Registration Registration with Email ID as user name and preferred password.   More details like name, car, location etc   After registering successfully, the welcome screen appears...       Joining a Car Pool - Sketches Starts with searching for a route... Displaying search results... with 3 options to interact with. 1. View Route - opens a map. 2. Request to Join - Sends an online request. 3. SMS now - sends an SMS to the car pool owner. If the owner replies back with predefined set of keywords the request will be approved automatically. Mock for sending an SMS . A Layer pop-up opens when the "SMS Now" link is clicked. Online Request - A layer pop-up opens to confirm the request UI - After joining a car pool. Shows the details of car pool, the days, list of people , option to send message etc UI - Shows the list view of all "My Commute" entries  Creating a C...

Car Pool - User Interface Design - Part 1

Was taking rest at home and then I came across the news that bus traffic was hit due to some strike by the drivers. Then it flashed - the Car Pool. How about designing a website that enables car pooling along with social networking features? So picked up a notebook and prepared some sketches for an application that attempts to answer the questions like  - Joining a carpool instantly (Via SMS) - Creating a carpool and inviting people I could think about extending the basic scope of the application by porting a version to Facebook, MySpace etc and making collaboration more fun and easy. For the initial sketch, I preferred to go with a standalone web app, that could do both features mentioned above. So here are the flow - diagrams User Registration   Creating a Car Pool - My Drive   Joining a Car Pool - My Commutes End of Part 1 Continue reading : Car Pool - User Interface Design - Part 3 Car Pool - User Interface Design - Part 2