Is going too heavy? Time for acquisition?

Ever since I noticed launched, I was following it curiously. But recently I can see so many changes. has become overloaded and slowly deviating from their main focus. What started as a Restaurant and Spa review has now become a central place for Entertainment that includes selling tickets, shopping yellow pages and more.

Lets say, they launched the site and people are "wow"... and soon they offered widgets to enable other site owners to feature contents, which was really great. But then, the focus slowly changes and new tabs gets added into the system. Shopping is one category which I do not think has any sensible meaning with the theme "burrp". Looks like, wants to capture all categories or just that they are listening to every feature request they receive from the users making the site looking "TOO MUCH".

Why does going heavy?
  1. For Sale - Looking for possible acquisition by some big names
  2. Poor Focus leading to loss of unique identity (yet another site that rides on 2.0 wave)
  3. Trying to please all their user base

Right now I do not find any major difference between the crap / and Just that has a clean UI and has some social networking elements.


Unknown said…
Your post is totally warranted. Like any other internet company, it is imperative for us to transition from a cool product to an even cooler business (read "profitability"). In that sense, we wanted to take the same philosophy of local recommendations across other B2C categories outside of food. Of course food and nightlife will always remain at the epicenter of our product, but why not let users tell us about their great, and not so great shopping experiences as well?

We're always open to feedback on how we can make our interface less cluttered and more user-friendly, so if you have any feedback on that, you can email me directly at Thanks!!

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