HSBC & Verified by VISA - Too much security, too much nuance...

Some time ago, I was unable to use my HSBC credit card for online transactions. Most of the websites declined my card saying "Verified by Visa" denied the transaction. I was frustrated and did some googling. I found that "Verified by Visa" is a service which adds an extra layer of security.

So what kind of security it offers?
It goes like, the card holders should enroll their card number into this program, and the concerned bank/card issuer will send you a digital device which generates a random number. So whenever you try to make an online payment, if you select VISA and if the seller has enabled Verified By Visa for his shopping engine.. then you have to enter your card number, expiry date, name on card etc and after that you should type the random number displayed in your electronic device and then, a secret answer to a secret question. That's one whole stupid process. Many times my HSBC VBV never works, even though I reset my VBV secret question. Everything goes wrong and I end up receiving "Your profile has been locked". To reset, I have to call their phone banking, which never connects, and yeah I don't remember my phonebanking password. Boy, what a life.

What are the consequences?
Well I stopped using HSBC Visa card for online purchases. Getting into HSBC's online portal is another PITA. Everytime, I have to use their electronic device, then type a alphanumeric password. So many steps and so many things to remember. It is really frustrating, to see how too many security measures screw one's online experience. Too much of everything is too much trouble. And practically this VBV beats the purpose - "Safe and secure online shopping". I would re-phrase as "VBV-Secured Pain in the ***"


Om Hota said…
go with HDFC cards for your online purchase. They are really good and and HDFC has virtual cards also. HDFC process is user friendly and secured. For last couple of yrs I am using HDFC cards and am happy.

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