
Showing posts from September, 2008

ISO 20282 - Measuring Usability of Everyday products has published an article about the ISO 20282 - A ISO standards guide to measure usability of everyday products. It is published in 4 parts and David Travis discusses the guides here . User focus link - link - - Rajesh Sundaram

Interaction Design flaws -'s language selection screen

One of the fundamentals in UI design is "Don't make the user think". The more he thinks, the more he gets confused. To explain this, let us take the Language selection screen in website. Recently Toms Hardware, included an option to choose languages. And a new visitor will be greeted with a "Select a Language" screen. This happens only when the visitor visits the site for the first time. Once a language is selected, a permanent cookie will be set and the UI will not appear again. The Interaction flaw : A new visitor may not know which one to click, whether to click the "Continue" button or any one of the links given below. The first line says "Toms Hardware English Website [Continue]". Also, the options "British" and "US English" appears again in the below given options making the user to think "which one should i click?" So what could be the fix to this issue? The goal is to make the user sele...

HSBC & Verified by VISA - Too much security, too much nuance...

Some time ago, I was unable to use my HSBC credit card for online transactions. Most of the websites declined my card saying "Verified by Visa" denied the transaction. I was frustrated and did some googling. I found that "Verified by Visa" is a service which adds an extra layer of security. So what kind of security it offers? It goes like, the card holders should enroll their card number into this program, and the concerned bank/card issuer will send you a digital device which generates a random number. So whenever you try to make an online payment, if you select VISA and if the seller has enabled Verified By Visa for his shopping engine.. then you have to enter your card number, expiry date, name on card etc and after that you should type the random number displayed in your electronic device and then, a secret answer to a secret question. That's one whole stupid process. Many times my HSBC VBV never works, even though I reset my VBV secret question. Everythin...

Securing your fresh Windows XP install ..

How to Secure your Windows XP? Whenever you install windows XP fresh, along with the hardware drivers, make sure you install these 3 software first. Software Firewall Anti-virus Anit-Malware/Spyware/Trojan Software Firewall - Comodo Firewall pro (Free) My objective is to use the freeware alternatives. So when it comes to software firewall, I trust Comodo's Firewall Pro which is absolutely free and works like a charm. Not a resource-hog like Zone Alarm. Initially, you may feel a little annoyed by constant confirmations thrown by the Firewall pro's Defense+ mechanism. But let that be. After some days, the firewall will train itself to your applications and won't alert you. You may be required to allow the Firewall software to obtain a life-time free license. Anti-Virus - Avast 4.8 Home Edition (Free) Avast and AVG are two contendors in free anti-virus space. Personally I like Avast because it detects most of the viruses and helps me keep my system clean and safe. Anti-Malware...