OK Cancel Buttons - Evolution till Web 2.0

OK Cancel Buttons - Evolution till Web 2.0

The Beginning
It started with the position of the OK/Cancel buttons. When screen resolutions were 800x600, Microsoft published guidelines for UI standards. If my remembrance is right, the OK Cancel buttons are positioned to the center of the containing window. If the buttons are in a Wizard screen.. place it to the right side. Place HELP buttons to the left etc.

The Evolution
After 2000.. the evolution in usability trends begun gradually. Researchers found that color coding the buttons actually increase the rate of interaction or people were able to choose the right button quickly. Positive actions are coded in green or blue. Normal or less priority buttons are coded in gray or 'alert' colors such as 'red' or 'orange'.

And now... Web 2.0
And now, in this web 2.0 storm, the suggested trend is :
1. Give the primary action as button (for ex. Save, OK, Apply etc are shown as buttons)
2. Give the secondary action as links (for ex. Cancel, close, delete, create new etc)

- Rajesh Sundaram


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