Interface Design : Icons - Settings, Edit and Preferences

Sometimes you find it difficult to decide upon which Icon to use for certain metaphors? That's the case most UI designers stumble upon. Anyway, here is a couple of tips to help you.

Preferences and Settings have the same meaning. So you can use the same metaphor for both actions. Generally the Hammer+ScrewDriver or Spanner+ScrewDriver icon is used for settings. You can create crisp looking icons from 24x24 onwards. 16x16 and less will not help you to create a clean looking icon. In some cases, a pixel drawing at 16x16 size could help you. Or else, use the "Equalizer" as metaphor, which is somewhat generic and commonly found in everyday life.

For "Edit" action, go for the "Pen/Pencil" metaphor. Depending upon the availability of pixel area, you can either show a paper or alphabets beneath the pen/pencil. This will enhance the metaphor.

Hope this helps! :-)

- Rajesh Sundaram


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