
Showing posts from August, 2009 - Hacked

Looks like it is hacking season. Most of the online social networking sites are being targeted like this. Recently areapal was hacked and my contacts received a lot of spam messages. It appears that hackers are becoming more and more painful by hacking sites and stealing users data. Beginning this month, was hacked and many users received spam messages. Though campaign monitor was able to fix the security breach, the damage done was done. More and more the services get networked, the security issues becomes a problem.

Rediff Shopping needs an Interaction Designer badly...

It is high-time for rediff to think about hiring a UX / IxD guy. Looks like the recent rediff redesign is aimed at keeping things simple. And that was taken way too seriously. The Rediff shopping is a clear example of how narrow navigation affects the user experience of a site. A shopping site should offer a quick, go-anywhere type of accessible navigation. The new rediff instead, focuses on narrow navigation. Once you select a category, your stuck into it. You cannot come back to the previous category or main category. Now to come back, one must use the browser back button or click the Rediff shopping logo to reach the home page. The categories are a next PITA thing. Look below. Do you think you can find Womens Earrings easily? I believe the new Rediff Shopping is one of the best live examples of "how not to design a online shopping site?". Too bad, they need a couple of Interaction Designers and UX guys! - Rajesh Sundaram